One of the most rewarding aspects of my career has been the opportunity to work with hundreds of young people as a teacher, mentor and positive role model as I guide them on their journey to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. I am with them every step of the way. Getting to know all of my students on an individual basis and standing beside them as they participate in a worship service with confidence always fills me with a profound sense of pride and joy.
Over the years, I have worked with many students from diverse backgrounds and family situations, varying levels of Jewish and Hebrew knowledge, as well as a vast array of challenges and special educational needs. Every child is a unique individual and each situation calls for a personalized approach.
My style is to work closely with my students and their families to set realistic and achievable goals and create an environment that is positive, encouraging, meaningful and fun!
Ideally, the more time your child has to prepare, the more confident and comfortable they will be. I would be happy to design and implement an individualized tutoring program to meet your child's needs. I can serve you solely as a private tutor for preparation, or handle the entire experience, including the design of a creative and personalized service, as well as being the clergy officiant.
In our fast-paced world, it can be challenging and stressful to find the time and energy needed to provide our children with all of the social, academic, athletic, artistic and cultural interactions that we, as parents, would want them to experience. Commutes are longer. Traffic and road construction are never ending. Homework assignments and projects consume more time. Juggling school obligations, varsity sports, and music and dance lessons - not to mention trying to carve out some quality family time - can present quite a challenge.
Where does Judaism fit in?
Many of us, I suspect, would like our children to have positive Jewish role models, develop a strong sense of Jewish identity based on a solid foundation of knowledge, and develop a feeling of pride in their heritage, but the realities of everyday life may, understandably, push those desires down on the priority list .
You may not be affiliated with a synagogue. Your work schedule and/or your children's extra-curricular activities may make it nearly impossible to travel to a synagogue for Bar/Bat Mitzvah lessons during reasonable hours. You may live in an area where it is difficult (if not impossible) to secure the services of an experienced and ordained rabbi or cantor who can both tutor your child and officiate at their service with professionalism, warmth, humor and skill.
I wish to remove the barriers and share my passion and excitement about the beauty and wisdom of Jewish tradition while touching the lives of as many people as possible.
It is because of this that I offer "virtual" Bar/Bat Mitzvah lessons via Skype. All you need is a computer, an internet connection and a webcam, and I will do the rest!
To find out more, just contact me at: paul@cantorpauloncall.com
Rabbi Paul
Serving Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens and Beyond!
Email: rabbipauloffenkrantz@gmail.com Phone: (561) 315-4885